Open for Business


We are excited to announce that our online shop is operating and we can finally purchase NB Suns merchandise through through Clubshop. During the off-season, Eric (Jacko) Jackson has been busy arranging this deal with an external supplier. 

While the choice at the moment is limited, the remaining items are being added over the next few weeks and will consist of clothing, gear bags, hoodies, gift wares etc. Not only will this enable you to purchase items supporting the club, but all profits are deposited back to the club, so it essentially acts like a fundraising page. Coaches and managers should be aware that bulk orders also get discounts which may be handy if you are ordering as a team.

If you think of any items that could be included for the future, please let Jacko know and he will liaise directly with Clubshop on behalf of the club.

This is a fantastic step forward in the journey of the club and we thank Jacko for getting this up and running.

The shop can be accessed via our website or by clicking here.